Monday, February 11, 2013


Hey everyone! I have a new fashion blog! It's called: On that blog i will be posting fashion outfits, hair styles, tips, etc. I will also be posting the nail polish designs there, so from now on, go to my new blog to see the nail polish designs! Thanks everyone!


Sunday, February 3, 2013

New: Nail DIY Layla Hologram Effect

Hey guys! It's been a while since I have posted because of school, but from now on, I'll find time to post during the week. I'm really excited about this new Layla Hologram Effect nail polish that I did today! The glitter in it changed color as you move your nail back and forth. But, to make that happen, you have to follow strict instructions. Here it is:

1) Prep your nails with a base coat and allow to dry

2) Put ONE COAT of the Layla hologram effect nail polish on. When you put on a streak or nail polish, DO NOT GO OVER IT! Going over it again will mess up the effect. Allow to dry

3) It's your choice to put on a top coat. I didn't and personally, to me it makes it sparkle more without the top coat.

More blogs coming soon!!